Enjoy your summer break and remember who you are!
Educational Approach
At Imagine Schools, we strive to create opportunities for all students
to be successful. We recognize that a “one size fits all” approach to
education is not in the best interest of students and families, and
that curriculum decisions should ultimately be made at the school
level. Therefore, we make every effort to design each school’s
educational program to match the needs and interests of the individual
students and communities we serve.
Direct Instruction
Instruction is a highly-successful, researched-validated approach by
which all students can learn, through its explicit, rapid-paced
instruction. It is a methodology using visual and auditory cues as
students are taught materials with practice as a whole class, small
groups, and individually. Both an instructional tool and a specific
delivery system, DI is a mastery-based program; because ongoing
instructional decisions are based on student performance, students are
able to achieve more,